Children Martial Arts Classes

Martial Arts classes WILL AFFECT your child in a POSITIVE way with benefits that will last a lifetime.

At Kim’s Martial Arts School in Avon, OH your child will learn:

  • Better focus and concentration
  • The importance of courtesy and respect
  • Self control and cooperation
  • Athletic coordination and the benefits and importance of exercise
  • How to set and achieve goals
  • Commitment and the “not give up” attitude and winning habits


"Taekwondo has been a huge part of my life. It has taught me to make a commitment to the goal of being a Black Belt. I feel better at school because I know I have the confidence to succeed. Master Kim is a role model to all. I want to teach Taekwondo someday." - 12 year old Taekwondo student

We allow a flexible schedule for all of our classes. You can attend your classes on any given day and as much as you can. You are never restricted but always encouraged.

Teachers and parents alike often notice a positive change Taekwondo makes in the children’s lives. Children listen better at home, pay attention more in school, and do more constructive work around the house. Better grades are a definite benefit of Taekwondo study. Come experience this for yourself.